December 22, 2013

Countdown: 1 Month until Check-In Day

Okay, so there are 30 more days until check in! My god, just a month, I was just worried about passing the phone interview. Here I am, preparing for my departure and check-in day.  At this point., there is nothing else to do. In the DCP Facebook group, many people still have not received their new hire documents. They are on the way, for those still waiting, you can receive them 2 weeks prior to arrival.

I recently got an email from Disney, which I will post soon, about my fast approaching check-in day. The email was nothing special. Fun fact, back in 2007 when I was waiting for my check-in day, I got an email similar to the one I got the other day about my arrival. I got the email on the same exact day, December 19th, so crazy . . . . right? So, if things keep lining up like this, I expect 3 more emails from Disney. One saying "See ya really soon", "the DORMS" email for roommates,  and "You're almost there" emails. This is just a wild guess. I kept all my emails from 2007 from when  I first applied for the program. So, I am using these as a reference because not much has changed since I applied for the program. 

I am so glad, there are people checking in before us because I am hoping they will tell us about check-in day, how DORMS really works, and if casting is really broken down into 2 days.

Yes, I saw on Facebook that casting maybe a 2 day thing for some CPs. So, yeah I am just waiting at this point.

Not much else to say until DORMS is released. I have a feeling DORMS will be a little hectic because CPs are having such a difficult time completing the new hire documents . . . the DORMS paperwork may be worse for some participants. 

I knew things would speed up around Christmas. After the Christmas holiday, things will be moving so fast because the first group of CPs will experience DORMS and check-in day. The Facebook group will become ten  times more active.

That's all for now. An update will come at the 20th or 10th day or as things progress forward. Until then, I will continue my bucket list post. A packing list and arrival timeline will be posted in the future.



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