January 19, 2014

1 Disney Day: The Black Cauldron + 1 Goal to Achieve by The End of My Program

This is my 10 Disney Days challenge featuring reviews and notes on Disney movies I have never seen or long forgotten. Included with these movies reviews are tasks that I much complete each Day. The task are Disney or Disney College Program related things.

Sidenote: OMGOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! One day, just one more day. I have fallen behind on posting due to traveling, but now I am back on track.

Today's Challenge: The Black Cauldron + 1 Goal to Achieve by the End of My Program

MOVIE: The Black Cauldron

Why: I chose this movie because I've never seen this movie. I have no idea what it's about to be honest. I know there is a princess involved (why is she not a Disney Princess), some dark magic, possibly a witch, and other typical Disney fantasy movie stuff. I also feel that some things in Fantasyland and New Fantasyland will be inspired by this movie and another one "The Sword in the Stone". So, I will actually watch both of these movies.

Task: 1 Goal to Achieve by The End of My Program

My one goal to achieve is save $1,000.00. This seems pretty impossible right now. Actually, very impossible. However, I actually do need to come up with this amount. If I don't break 1k than hopefully I can come away with at least a bit over $500.00. 

There are many things I need to buy during the program, for instance, a new laptop and I want a universal annual pass. Which the latter is a want not necessarily a need . . . haha! If I got to universal more than 2 times (which I will because of Harry Potter) then the annual pass will be worth it.


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