January 29, 2014

Sum Up: The Second Week - Custodial Core Training & Costuming

So, to sum up "The First Week". . .

Jan 20th - Check-In/Casting
Jan 21st - My Bday/ Housing Meeting
Jan 22nd - Epcot & Magic Kingdom Resort Hopping/ Fireworks
Jan 23rd - Traditions/ Blue IDS
Jan 24th - Magic Kingdom Park
Jan 25th - Hollywood Studios/ Animal Kingdom

It was such a busy, but fun week!

So, I want to sum up "The Second Week" . . .

On Monday, I went to Epcot to explore and hang out with my new friend. That night, me and the roomies bonded by watching the Grammy awards. Hilarious!! According to my Facebook timeline, I predicted that this very moment would be the last time all of us would hand out together and I was somewhat right.  That is because Disney University Training starts the next day and training schedules will be handed out at that session.

On Tuesday, this day was really funny. I arrived to Disney University Custodial Core training. The Core Training Cast Members claim that it was not based on location, but at least 90% of us were Epcot Custodial Cast Members. LOL! The others were MK! The Core Trainers said this has never happened before! It's so strange, because these same folks that were sitting in this class with me would become some of the funnest people I've ever met. We were family before we knew it. I sat in this class for 8 hours. We of course had a break, but it was just super long. I also received my training schedule at this meeting.

I believe we also got our shoes this day for work. If you're in Custodial or QSFB you get free shoes. We got them at Magic Kingdom costuming since this is the only place to get shoes aside from the shoe truck that comes to every park.

I posted this on my Facebook timeline,

"My work schedule for Epcot is complete insanity: 8AM-3:30PM, 9AM-6PM, and 1:30-10PM for a few days then 2:15pm-10:45 for next week."

On Wednesday, we had Discovery Day at Epcot. Let me just say that this made me cry a little. It was so super special!!! The lump all roles together. You meet at Epcot Cast Services, and then head to one of the trailers to learn all about Epcot. Side note: Epcot is my favorite park! I really wanted to work, so this was special for me. I've always loved it! We went of course around the park to look around.

TRUST ME, anyone that has done Discovery Day at Epcot won't tell you what it is . . . Haha! Now that I know what it is, I don't want to tell anyone. It will ruin it, for sure!

On Thursday, I'm not sure what happened this day. I know I got my costume this day and did some other stuff like computer training, but I have no real recollection of this day.

On Friday (Jan 29th), I had my first day of training. I posted a pic of myself on Facebook in my full costume and I also posted how much I loved my World Showcase Family . . . and I still do! Haha!

On Saturday & Sunday (Feb 1st) , I pretty much continued my core training and working my schedule. This is also the start of a long and drawn out illness that I caught during my program. I was sick for an entire month (February).

This is the last week of shadowing with a trainer. Next week, I start on my own in World Showcase Custodial.

Side Note o Costumes: So, let me just inform all my future Custodial Peeps, you WILL be overwhelmed by the amount of costume pieces we have with our costume.  It's no joke. LOL! It goes beyond hat, shirt, pants, belt, socks, and shoes. We have a supply pouch, rain gear pouch, rain gear, scrapper (for gum), squeegee, walkie talkie, keys (lots of freaking keys . . . keys for days), your pan, and then your broom. Then once you put all your gear on, you will load your pouch with towels (you NEED these all the time), gloves (KEEP THESE TOO), trash bags of all sizes ( A MUST), your phone (keeping it real), snacks (keeping it even more real), and possibly a first aid kit or band-aids (you get one on check-in day).

On top of all this, we can change and accessorize our costume with different pieces everyday. For Epcot Custodial (in particular), we had 2 different hats, 2 different shirts, 2 different pants, 2 different winter coats, and 2 different types of shoes.

The reason I said Epcot, is because MK Custodial does not get the special ladies top. Some locations do not get the other hat (the straw hat) or the option of wearing shorts. The beauty of custodial is no matter which park you work at, every costuming location has YOUR COSTUME!!! You will find this super helpful . . . BELIEVE ME!!!!!! You get to keep a maximum of 5 Costumes, however you can check out more than 5 (no matter what the costume is) but you have to return in within 7 days or you will be charged. If you're charged, just return the costume and you will be refunded on your next check.

Side Note on the Job Itself: Okay so when I first got into training it was only 3-4 of us at a time. They took us to a non-busy bathroom (yes, these do exists at Disney) and we carried out our training session.

My first impression: OMFG!! I was not grossed out completely because I was a CNA prior to the program, so gross stuff is no issue to me. However, prepare to be fully grossed out. Haha! One major thing  that annoyed me was sanitation bags. You will see why!!!

Disney gives very thorough training for Custodial. I felt confident when I went onstage alone. The trainer MUST tell you how to do the time consuming way, it's their job. Of course, what you do outside of training is on you, and this is what you need to take advantage of, my friends. I'm going to keep it even more real on this, if you want to keep your bathrooms clean and close out your bathroom on time then I have a few tips for you.

A Few Custodial Tip:

1. Pre-bag your TRASH CANS - OMG, this is a big tip that every DCP Custodian will tell you. My suite mate worked DHS Custodial and we both agreed on this tip. DO IT . . . PLEASE!! Don't pre-bag more than 5 when you first start. Get to know you're location, co-workers, and managers to get a feel of what you can or can't do. This is not encouraged training wise (it's only 3 bags in training), but no one will yell at you for doing it. People actually get upset when you don't do it.

For example, I usually put 5 bags in the sanitation boxes. This helps me a whole lot because I don't have time to tie each bag when they get full frequently. I just like to pull and go. My trainer walked in wanting train someone in my bathroom and of course she did not approve. However, I did not care one bit, considering I had two other busy bathrooms to do. She didn't yell or go snitch on me, she just didn't like it.

 Oh, and this goes for Streets and Bathrooms.

2. Pre-Stock Everything - At the start of your shift you should be pre-bagging trash cans and sani-boxes. After you do this, make sure every bathroom has a full roll tissue or at least over a half. I usually take the almost empty rolls and set them in the closet. Do this for paper towels as well, and top up your hand soap. A bathroom with plenty of soap, tissue, and paper towels will keep your coordinators and managers VERY happy even if the bathroom is a mess. Trust me, you don't wanna be called on while you're on break or doing whatever for some paper towels.

3. Tag Team - Grab A Friend - You will need your fellow DCPers and Non-DCP cast members so please be nice to them if you can. I can't stress this enough. I had many of my fellow cast members that put extra trash bags in for me, because they know I would do it for them. Extra-bags means pull then go and a very short trash run for you. I've also had friends give me a heads up (via text) when managers were out checking bathrooms and trash cans.

4. Maintain a Good Rep - I know this seems obvious, but there were some CPs who were very lazy or did not do what they're suppose to at work. I always tried to give my best at work. But on the days I was not feeling it, my managers and coordinators would give me an extra break, help me out, or just not give me such a hard time. Only, because they know this is not how I usually work.

5. Break time is the Best Time - If you work in place like MK, then your break is pulled for you. This means someone dismisses you for your break. Please don't be late because you will easily gain some enemies. LOL! If you have DHS/Epcot then you take your break according to your time slip. DOn't take advantage of this freedom or at least don't get caught. -__-  If you're late taking a break, radio your coordinator.

Not bad for a first week! So basically, it consisted of training, discovering Epcot, learning how Disney wants me to cleans their stuff, and meeting awesome people.

January 25, 2014

Bucket List - DHS & DAK - Park Hopping & Character Hunting

Since obtaining my blue ID we've been non-stop going to the parks. I've already hit up Magic Kingdom, a lot of resorts (Epcot & MK resorts), and some Florida spots . . . just in the first week.

Today, me and my friend decided to visit Disney's Hollywood Studios (DHS) and Disney's Animal Kingdom (DAK) for those that don't know the lingo yet.

We hit up DAK first since it closes earlier than the rest of the parks. We had some rare and not-so-rare character viewings. This was my first character hunt during the entire program and it was a great start. Of course, we rode Everest with a very little wait time.

January 24, 2014

Bucket List: Magic Kingdom - The First Park - Sleepy Hollow

The best thing about Traditions  (aside from it being your first day of paid work) . . . BLUE IDSSSSSSS!!

That means hitting up the parks and having a jolly good time. Yep! The first park I hit up was Magic Kingdom.

I got on all my favorites, Big Thunder and Space Mountain while enjoying classics like Mickey's PhilharMagic.

I even managed to grab the best snack ever at Sleepy Hollow: The Waffle Chicken Sandwich.  Let me just say this: keep your eyes on Sleepy Hollow throughout your program. They always have some kind of exclusive drink or food. Sleepy Hollow is located in Liberty Square near the Castle and a little ways away from Haunted Mansion.

Sleepy Hollow at Magic Kingdom is heavenly. I tasted some delicious holiday and special treats from here.

This was so good!! They have one with Nutella, Strawberries and (I think ) Banana's or something. There's like 4 to choose from and this is the same place that does the best freaking funnel cakes. The specialty frozen beverages (non-alcoholic of course) are amazing!!

January 23, 2014

Disney College Program Traditions & the Disney Look

After a full day of Resort Hopping and Fireworks, I had traditions. I had morning sessions. I can't remember the exact time, but it was like a 6AM/7AM kind of early. They break traditions down into 2 sessions (one morning and one night). 

My Traditions class was approximately 5 hours long. 

Let me give a little run down:

We had to bring our programs. There are separate buses just for Traditions. I think I saved all the papers (I'll post them if possible). But, everything is laid out for you.

On the programs there is a number that separates you with where you needed to be. Once, you are separated you went up to you're class as they called your number. 

Once you're in class, you sit and sign-in (I think) and wait for class to start. 

You're given a traditions book to follow along with as well as some other materials. They give you trivia, you win some cute prizes, listen to the Traditions Cast Member stories, become inspired, watch a video that makes you cry, and gain your ears in a VERY special way. You will probably cry. I had a tear!

Side note: Something I noticed about Disney (that's kind of annoying) is that when you do a Disney event, training, or some kind of session . . . the Cast Members always talk about themselves and tell their Disney story. The talk about where their from, education/school, Disney career, and blah! So, get ready for that because while it's really fun at first it can get annoying after awhile.

Oh and one more thing, they did not really check for the Disney Look for real. Not in my session, it was pretty chill. We just walked in by the bus load and listen to the announcements being made by the Traditions Staff. So, unless you were wearing something crazy or ultra noticeable then no one said anything. For example, my glass were not AND are not really Disney Look, but no one said anything during my entire program (1 full year). I (me, myself) mentioned it to a recruiter at Casting and they (the cast members) inquired about it, then gave me some options (that I didn't do), but it was no big deal from then on. 

This was a great surprise to me because during my first program (2008) they check when you walked into the door of Disney University (where Traditions is always held). People were being sent back for everything including one of my roommates at the time. She was sent back for having open toed shoes! 

I noticed the main things they seem to be strict on is hair for male and female, tattoos, and costumes. Let me explain:

Hair (Male) - Facial hair and hair cuts was a huge issue. My managers (WSC Custodial) would give the guys razors and shaving cream at work to clean up their beads or shadows. I noticed this throughout the entire program, so fellas this is big deal. Hair cuts should look neat and presentable, follow the DCP Official guide for male hair styles and cuts.

Hair (Female) - The only big deal for females was HAIRCOLOR. I've heard some horror stories from check-in day. Of course, you cannot have fire engine red hair or ocean blue braids, it has to be a natural hair color. Keep hair highlights to a minimal or somewhat unnoticeable from your natural hair (which defeats the purpose, I know). Get to know you're managers and location to learn how flexible they are with the Disney Look. I'm pretty sure no one cared if I had highlights or did some changes in my location, but of course things can change.  Hair styles was no problem. Dreads are no problems, they just need to be neat.

Tattoos -  Find a way to covers them cause Disney is not having it . . . AT ALL. Many wore longs sleeves under their costume. Ask costuming for assistance on finding a long sleeve piece. I seen them in the custodial costuming area. It's suppose to be for the winter, but you can use it year round. Try experimenting with some tattoo blends and cover-up cosmetics.

Costume - Please wear your belt if you have one, purchase the correct color socks and get the right color shoes. Disney is super strict on this at almost every location and in every role. Belts, shoes, and socks are a big deal!!

Work Life: Custodial Epcot World Showcase

dcp wok location and housing ID

Hooray!!! So my prediction was correct! I am in Epcot. As you can see from the photo, I have World Showcase. I have Traditions on Jan 23rd, the second sessions which is at 4PM.

This information is posted on the back of the 2014 Program Guide. I also include the housing IDs. If I were under 21, it would have a yellow rectangle on it with UNDER 21 written in black bold letters.

My Weekly Schedule:

Thursday at 4PM I have Traditions. I am free Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I don't ever remember having this many days off during the first week!

As for my schedule so far:

Monday is Custodial Core Training at Disney University at 8am
Tuesday is Theme Park Orientation at 8am.

UPDATE: I have my schedule somehwhere may post a picture since I'm done with DCP now.

January 22, 2014

Bucket List: Fireworks at Polynesian & Roommate Bonding

The same day (Jan 22nd) me and my suite mate went back to the apartment to do  . . . something. Haha! Somehow, my other roommates convinced us to go to Polynesian (AGAIN) and watch the fireworks. This is where a lot of people where hanging out and meeting up via Facebook and stuff like that. So, we headed for Polynesian.

We got to the Poly and started looking around (again) and decided to get some sweets before the fireworks started. Me and my suite mate decided not to get dole whips again since we've already had one earlier in the day. I settled for a mini mouse cupcake which I actually dropped in the sand.

Of course, Disney cast members save the day and gave me a replacement right in time for the fireworks.

The fireworks started and there was no sound so we made up our own "Wishes" song along with the other viewers at the beach (all DCP folks) and got along just dandy.

Bucket List: Epcot Resorts & Boardwalk

disneys boardwalk hotel  epcot hotels

Okay, so this happened 2 days into the program. Man, I was super busy. I arrived on Jan 20th, Jan 21st was my Bday, and Jan 22nd we resort hopped and watched fireworks.

Haha! Yes, I  remember now, we hit up the Polynesian and somehow in the same day ended up at the Boardwalk Resorts (Epcot Resorts).

We hit up the Boardwalk Resorts, Swan & Dolphin (which are two separate resorts), and the Yacth & Beach Club (also, two separate resorts). These are all considered Epcot Resort Hotels. This is because there is a bridge connecting all of them and you can enter Epcot from this bridge/walkway. It hard to explain without a map or whatnot. Epcot is the only resort with 2 entrances. This is key when you wanna see the Fireworks and trying to avoid a crowd or walking through Epcot.

Here's a few snaps from that day.

disneys boardwalk hotel

This a picture of a heavenly creation called Mac & Cheese bites that me and my roommate became obsessed with, they are so good. You get them from the Boardwalk stands. You will see it and smell it. Fantastic!!! No discount here so we didn't lose out on anything. Remember, we have no blue ID's yet.

disneys boardwalk hotel  mac & cheese bites

 I suppose I ordered a pull pork because it was super cheap. It was delicious and I split it with my roomie to save money.

disneys boardwalk hotel mac & cheese bites

This is the gorgeous Dolphin & Swan hotel. It's beautiful! Don't be afraid to explore it. I found a serious DCP secret spot (chill spot) by exploring this hotel. I will post this super secret in another post.

disneys dolphin and swan hotel epcot

disneys dolphin and swan hotel epcot

Bucket List: Magic Kingdom Resorts & the Wedding Pavilion

disney polynesian resort

So, I was suppose to make an individual post for each item, I completed on my bucket list. I did A LOT on bucket list (I think).

In the photo above: this is one of the walkways to other resorts or the monorail.

disney polynesian resort

Well, one of the first things I did was . . . (*drum roll*) . . . Resort Hopping. I can't remember the exact order of everything I did, but I know we did the Polynesian first.

I was very limited on money and did not want to spend what I had. I came with less than $115. My roommate was also limited on funds, so we started doing free stuff. We were in that slow phase where you don't have your Blue ID or any money, so no parks or super expensive stuff for us.

disney polynesian resort hidden mickey

 We walked around, found Hidden Mickey's, and got dole whip.

disney polynesian resort dole whip

Me chilling at the Polnesian inside the lobby before all the construction. Notice, I'm wearing a jacket. It was cool in Florida, but not freezing.

We decided to head for the Polynesian Resort, Wedding Pavilion, and then the Grand Floridian. For those that don't know. These are located right next to each other. There is path that will take you from the Polynesian to Grand, and in between is the beach where you watch wishes then the Wedding Pavilion.

These are just a few photos, I have so many!! Check out a few:

Grand Floridian

The Wedding Pavilion

Walk Way In Between Poly and Grand. Wedding Pavilion in shot,

Polynesian Pool

January 21, 2014

Festivities: Happy Birthday to Me!!

AHHHHHHH! Today is my Birthday!!! I'm not as excited as you think . . . I'm now over 25 years old  . . . no bueno! That's life, I guess!

So, it's the second day of housing and the heat is being turned up because today we have a housing meeting. After the 2 hours housing meeting, my roommates and I will be free.


This morning we took one of my roommates to the bank and I tried breakfast at Dunken Donuts for the first time. I checked in at Foursquare which posted it to twitter and Dunken Donuts responded to me. How cool!!!

lemon cake pink icing birthday

I went to walmart for grocery shopping and to get the basics. Then I went to the housing meeting at the The Commons which was kind of interesting and boring.

My room mates made me a lemon cake with pink lemonade icing. I couldn't really do much because I had to finish getting my hair braided. I wanted to watch Wishes at the Polynesian but it was too late.

UPDATE (7/14/2015): My roommates made the lemon cake. It was slow day and Florida gave me a taste of it's 10 Minute Power Wash Rain. I did get me hair braided, and overall it was nice day.

January 20, 2014

Living: Chatham 18302

So, the DORMS information was correct! I do live in Chatham Square Building 18. The location is fabulous (I told you that here) because it's close to the bus, clubhouse, trash, and laundry.

I live in a 3 bedroom apartment on the 3rd floor. The apartment is spacious with plenty of room for storage. My rent is 92.00 per week.

The MAJOR CONS: Our microwave was disgusting with rust, hair and crack roof and a complete fire hazard - so we have NO microwave. The light and fan above the stove don't work! The bathrooms need additional cleaning. Some outlets don't work.

UPDATE (7/14/2015): So, I we took the microwave out and brought it down to the front desk and they gave us a dirty look. Not as dirty as the microwave, but whatever. Ha! We eventually did end up getting another microwave and the light above the stove was fixed half way through the program.

They aren't fast at fixing things, so stay on top of maintenance calls. Overall, the apartment was good (in my opinion). Although, some may be use to the good life and think it's a third world hut. I can say that is not bad. YOU do need to clean it yourself. After you clean it yourself, it will begin to feel like home. Do yourself a favor and decorate it! Oh, and the infamous green carpet is gross, but doable.

THE MAJOR PROS: LOCATION!!!!, All Buses come to CHATHAM!, my classes are at Chatham, and close to the Outlets. My room is large, a big bathroom and a standard closet.

UPDATE (7/14/2015): We were right across from the clubhouse, we had no problems with security (even when we had a party), no loud noise above (we on the 3rd floor), and  many events were held in the Chatham Square field.

The Future of DCP Life

The Disney College Program Life

It is a well known fact in the DCP blogosphere that after arriving to Disney the post go from 5 a week to 0 post  . . . quickly.

Anyway, I decided to let everyone know about the future of this blog, before I suddenly disappear and then reappear with a post towards the end of my program. Haha! 

The Future 

Many DCP bloggers don't last, matter of fact, I don't know many bloggers that have maintained their blog for the entire program. The Vloggers (video bloggers) seem to do a lot better at updates and posting.

Basically what I'm saying is . . . . I feel that I might catch the DCP Blog Syndrome. 

In the future, my idea is to post a full weekly recap write up of events, so this will be weekly. That should be doable at best! In between, I would like to post my events/life photos as they happen with little blurbs about the festivities.

Although, I will try to post frequently during these first two weeks to give you an idea of what the first 2 weeks is like at Disney.

Posting up photos with blurbs will be quicker and easier than a full write up. I can import them directly from Facebook using Quick Gallery for Blogger.

I will figure something out!

*Fingers Crossed - Blows Pixie Dust*

Program Life: Checking-In and Casting

DCP Check-In Line at Vista Way

Okay, let me just quickly go over my check-in day. This is sort of like every Youtube check-in video you have seen. It's still at Vista Way, with the same signs, same places to park and early morning arrival times. Remember, this is my second program and NOTHING has really changed.

So imagine those check-in videos BUT with the changes I'm about to mention.


My room mates and I met at the Santa Fe steak house next to the Walgreens at  the corner near Vista Way. Update (7/14/2015): Trust me this was a good spot considering that Walgreens park lot and any area near Vista Way was pack, so consider this a good spot to meet up. We all agreed that 7AM was a good time to meet up. The lines were crazy long and cars were coming in from everywhere.

One of my room mates that got in line early, informed me that if you did not have the right check-in time you would be denied until your time. It was true, but it didn't matter after awhile because the line got super long and everything began to become super disorganized.

So, YES . . . they are enforcing the assigned arrival times.

Update (7/14/2015): If they are still doing this for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016, then go at the scheduled time as it will save you time and a headache.

You're not missing out anything, by showing up super early. Here's why . . . you pick your roommates prior to arrival now. Everything is pre-chosen or planned for you. Your work location, apartment, roommates, car information . . . . all that jazz is done or just needs to be confirmed. Even if you want the first pick at your room at your apartment, discuss this prior to arriving with roommates to avoid a headache or show up together. (I might make a separate post for this one).

If you're not choosing your roommates ahead of time, then do know that the rooms are a decent size and each has their own bathroom.

Also, you might be able to arrive early than your time, but they may stop this later towards the afternoon when everyone starts flooding Vista.


They hand you a sticker with your name on it and a 2014 guide book.  Once I got near the front of the line we were split up into 2 groups based on last names. At the front of the line, you were given a sticker with your role and location - This is the first thing you get!

dcp role reveal and housing info

After getting your role/location, in the next room it was in this order: scan your DORMS paper to confirm your apartment, take a photo for the HOUSING ID, get your house keys, and then get your HOUSING ID from the printer.

Then the next line is to get your Casting and Housing meeting assignment time. You are split up based on which day you have Casting. They break up people into multiple groups and send you different tables to discuss with a Disney Housing Cast Members on how to read and understand the 2 papers with your casting time and housing meeting information. You also go over the Disney Look.

After this, you confirm your Direct Deposit or give them your form for the card (I believe). If you filled it out online there is no need to bring a check. I filled my information out long after I completed the New Hire Documents. Of course, bring a payroll form or check just in case. This can all be changed once you have access to the HUB.

Again, you will go to another line to fill out the I-9 form which MUST be taken to Casting.

The next line is about the education courses.

The very last booth is about Safe D and you get food and some freebies. (Hooray)

So, if you have casting on the same day as check-in . . . . you will wait at Vista near the Safe D booth (it's all in the same area) to get on the bus at your assigned time.  I had mine on the same day.

If not, go move in to your apartment and you will probably have Casting the next day and then the housing meeting the day after.

DCP Casting Day

This photo was taken at Casting by one of the DCP Check-In Cast Members. It was posted on the DCP Official Facebook Page. Yes, I'm in the photo. We had to wait until we could go inside. The bags were given to us at Vista Way and was full of goodies.


I had Casting the same day as check-in, so this means I immediately went to casting after I finished check-in. I stayed at Vista to wait for the bus. You will see the buses outside once you get through the maze that is check-in. We got on the bus and were taken through a part of Disney property. It was like a mini-tour which led to Downtown Disney and on wards to Casting. The Recruiter on the bus was cheerful and entertained us with trivia.

Update (7/14/2015): I like the way this is done now. They actually take you through the infamous Disney gates, give you Disney trivia, and tell you a little about Disney property. Due to the heavy construction and changes to Downtown Disney you will get to see some cool sides to Disney property.

Casting went by quickly. It was maybe 1 hour and 30 minutes. It's basically this: confirm ALL your information, show proof of work eligibility (Your state/gov't issued ID), fingerprints, how to change your home address in the HUB, get your training schedule (Hooray), learn how to read the training schedule, and then complete the Casting process. All of these are different rooms and stations.  It's like getting a tour of the casting building. Wooot!


I waited for the bus and made some friends. The bus back was quick and fairly painless. Remember, you CANNOT (this of course applies to 2014-2015) drive to Casting.

Update (7/14/2015): So, alittle side story about my day at Casting. While at Casting, I met a two girls in line. They were in front of us. They were actually talking to my roommate. I think I was on my phone taking pics or something. So, I introduced myself and where I worked. Then one of the girls (her name is Julie) said, "Oh, I got the same location!" This would be Custodial in World Showcase. We started of course chatting about our future work location. So, me and Julie not only ended up working the same location, we both ended up having the same training schedule, same trainers, and completely remained together our entire program.

We did everything together! We also ended up extending together into the same role (Attractions) but different locations. She got Downtown Disney and I got Epcot's Soarin'. We became roommates during the extension and moved into Chatham.

Fate is so crazy right! Please don't be afraid to talk with people or make friends. Thinking back on this just makes us laugh because we literally stayed together since Day 1 of the program.


I moved into my apartment and cleaned up. I talked to my roommates and properly greeted everyone I could. We did our apartment inventory then went to the club house and explored the property.


We settled in and went shopping at the Dollar Tree and had dinner at CiCi's pizza. We could get the Cast Discount even though we NO BLUE IDs. We asked after the transaction which was too late.

So big heads up to future CPs . . . . show your housing ID (this is before you get Blue Id) to get your discount at CiCi's. It's worth a try.

We mostly spent the night cleaning and cleaning some more. We did inventory, got sparkle buckets - free cleaning supplies from the clubhouse, and unpacked.

Oh a note on Sparkle Buckle:

When you first move in, send a roommate or go yourself to the clubhouse and ask for a sparkle bucket. The Sparkle Bucket contains free cleaning supplies in a big bucket.

Ours had comet (good for everything), tile mildew spray, glass cleaner (smells like mint), a bleach product, etc.

Countdown: I'm at Disney World and Checking In!

walt disney world countdown


No more counting down . . . . . I'm here!!! I made it to Disney World . . . well Vista. Haha!

Yesterday was the last day of my 10 Disney Days challenge. I actually had fun and enjoyed watching all the Disney movies. I figured it would help to refresh my memory and figure out where the ideas for many of these attractions themes originate.

Sooooo  . . . Right now, I am currently checking in at Vista doing all this Disney College Program paperwork for housing, security, and work. I should be heading for casting between 9:30AM to 10AM.

Later today, I will definitely try to post a rundown of my day, however, that will be another post late tonight. I will attempt to cover meeting up with my room mates for the first time, what's check-in like with the DORMS system, my role/ location, casting, paperwork, a mini housing review, and whatever I can think of at the moment.

I'm full of excitement and ready to go! I'll probably pass out tonight from all the energy. Well, excuse me while I finish my first day of the Disney College Program.

Pure Pixie-dust!!! 

Oh, and tonight will be the start of my first Program Life post series!!!!!! Since, I am here now and what not. Hooray!!

January 19, 2014

Email: DORMS Domestic Arrival Reminder 1/20/2014

This is a final email reminder from DORMS detailing the check-in location, date and time. As you can see, they are now assigning check-in times. However, many CPs believe this is only a recommendation as to when you should arrive to Vista.

It also confirms that DORMS pre-registration is closed and absolutely no changes can be made to your registration form.

Please remember to print out ALL 7-8 documents (it depends on if you have a vehicle or any accommodations) especially the bar code.

Here's the email: