January 21, 2014

Festivities: Happy Birthday to Me!!

AHHHHHHH! Today is my Birthday!!! I'm not as excited as you think . . . I'm now over 25 years old  . . . no bueno! That's life, I guess!

So, it's the second day of housing and the heat is being turned up because today we have a housing meeting. After the 2 hours housing meeting, my roommates and I will be free.


This morning we took one of my roommates to the bank and I tried breakfast at Dunken Donuts for the first time. I checked in at Foursquare which posted it to twitter and Dunken Donuts responded to me. How cool!!!

lemon cake pink icing birthday

I went to walmart for grocery shopping and to get the basics. Then I went to the housing meeting at the The Commons which was kind of interesting and boring.

My room mates made me a lemon cake with pink lemonade icing. I couldn't really do much because I had to finish getting my hair braided. I wanted to watch Wishes at the Polynesian but it was too late.

UPDATE (7/14/2015): My roommates made the lemon cake. It was slow day and Florida gave me a taste of it's 10 Minute Power Wash Rain. I did get me hair braided, and overall it was nice day.


  1. Did you braid your hair yourself while you were there or did you have someone else do it? I'm considering applying but I have no idea what I'm going to do with my hair for 5 months that will be low maintenance. I figured I would find somewhere off site if I had to.
