January 11, 2014

Countdown: The Big 10 and a Challenge

I am now officially starting the real countdown, I mean the big ten! Okay, so I know DORMS is suppose to come 10 Days out, but I swear Disney is counting it differently. Anyway, my housing registration has been completed. Hooray! As you there are already CPs at Disney, they checked in on Jan 8th, but there is another group coming on the 13th. That's right another group is about to check-in and gives us a report see the reports. I can't wait.

So, I actually leave for Orlando in just 5 days!!! I'll be staying with a friend in Orlando until my check-in day. However, as soon as I arrive, we'll be headed back up to South Carolina to stay with her Dad. My side-trip to South Carolina will be the first off my personal blogs post.

I'm excited too see South Carolina more in depth. Usually, I just pass through that state and head for North Carolina and Virginia.

As you can see, today is the day I start my 10 Disney Days countdown challenge. This challenge will end on the 19th, the day before check-in. Once I check-in on the 20th, I will attempt to post a summary of my day. I am doing this challenge to get myself in the Disney spirit, so I can increase my excitement about my arrival.

Next up, is to packing my things and making final arrangements with my room mates via Google Hangout this Sunday around 8PM.


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