January 14, 2014

Countdown: Only 1 Week Left

This is going by fast folks!!! Only one week left until I check-in at Vista and begin my Disney journey. I've mentioned before that I'll actually be leaving on the 15th of January, which is tomorrow, for Orlando, Florida. I will be staying with a friend 5 days prior to check-in on January 20th.

So, actually a bit of my journey starts tomorrow!! Oh, I'm excited. I'll be heading to South Carolina for a few days to chill.

Anyway . . . . Here's a rundown of what I've done so far:

  • Documents - About New Hire Documents
  • Proof - See About I-9 Documents
  • DORMS - Completing DORMS
  • Packed - See My Packing List

So, everything is in order. My flight was booked back in October 2013 just 2 week after I accepted the program offer.

Here's how I EXPECT my first day at Disney to go:

I will arrive early to Vista at between 7AM or 7:30AM for my 8AM check-in time. I'm standing in line early, so I can be on the first 2 buses to casting which will hopefully be at 9:30AM and 10AM.

After check-in at Vista Way, I should be boarding a bus to Casting near Downtown Disney. I suspect Casting will take maybe 1 hour to 1hours and 30 minutes. 

I may be out of Casting between 11AM and 12:30AM.

After Casting, the bus will take us back to Vista Way to pick up our luggage from the security area and take our cars (possibly with my roomies) or the buses with our stuff back to the housing complex we were designated.

Once I get off the bus, I will go to my apartment and move-in my belongings. 

In no order, I will go shopping, unpack, decorate, organize my things and chill with my roommates.

I can't wait to see if my predictions and expectations are close to what really happens.

Considering that, Casting is possibly a 2 day things and may take longer than 2 hours. My room mates and I may not all be together at once.


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