November 07, 2013

Disney College Program: Congratulations!

Disney College Program Acceptance: Congratulations!

So, you've played the "waiting game" for who know how long and finally you've been accpeted. Now, what? Here are the following emails that you should/will receive after being accepted into the Disney College Program.

My Post Acceptance Experience emails. The information in the emails and the arrival times of emails will vary greatly.

Here is the super awesome Disney College Program: Congratulations! email.

In this email, you will be asked to read the fine print and then "CONFIRM" your acceptance. 

NOTE: do not HIT ACCEPT unless you're ready to pay. You have 10 days to do ALL THREE STEPS. 

It is possible to do all (3) steps in one day. But CAUTION, certain roles have trouble picking dates , so give yourself some time to do the last step.

Roles that had trouble were Merchandise (had the most), some Hospitality, Attractions, and some Lifeguards. Not all but these were the few.

Should you need more time to pay for Disney College Program fees please email them immediately to receive an extension.

Congratulations! :: Sept. 27, 2013 11:46AM

Disney College Program: Congratulations! email

Once you've confirm the acceptance of your offer, you should receive the following email saying you've successfully completed Step One.

Submit Your Program Fee :: Oct 2, 2013 4:04AM


After paying your fees, you will receive a confirmation receipt.

Payment Confirmation :: Oct 2, 2013 4:08AM


After confirming your acceptance, you will be asked to select your arrival dates.

Schedule Your Dates/How to Select Dates :: Oct 2, 2013 4:20AM


After selecting you dates, you will receive a confirmation of completing step 2.

Schedule Your Dates/Completing Step 2 :: Oct 2, 2013 4:20AM


A Request for Additonal Information :: Oct 2, 2013 4:26AM

*You may receive this email before getting the "Welcome Aboard" message. You simply submit your birth date.


This is post acceptance process for the Disney College Program. 



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