So, this is it! All I need to do is sleep tonight and when I wake up . . . check-in will be here. Just that simple! Actually, I probably will stay up ALL NIGHT due to the excitement and adrenaline. Also, I need to finish getting my hair braided.
I'll try to make myself go to sleep because I am well aware that check-in will be a long day. No one is sure how check-in day will go anymore due to the timing of check-in and casting being assigned.
My roommates and I were all assigned different check-in times, but we all agreed that we need to arrive early to beat the rush. The Jan 20th arrival date is suppose to HUGE. I've read anywhere from 1,000 to 1,200 CPs are expected to check-in.
The Jan 13th arrivals had it really tough with minimal people (well compared to the 20th arrival date) and they still had trouble with background checks and traditions. There were extremely long lines for check-in and casting on the 13th. Many mentioned having 3 to 4 hour wait times and winding lines for Casting.
I refuse to be the guinea pig by show up at my assigned time of 9AM, only to find a long line full of excited college programmers.
Even after check-in and casting, I still need to unpack and go shopping. Then, I got to figure the bus system all over again, venture around Chatham or wherever I am at, and all these other things.
It's going to be a full day tomorrow and I just can't wait! I knew as soon as the 20th got closer I would start to feel the excitement.
I will try to post a check-in report tomorrow night about my check-in experience. I can't wait to answer those million dollar questions: "Can you show up before your assigned time?", "Is Casting on day 1 or day 2?", "Is Chatham really my apartment?", "Am I really in Epcot?" . . . and you get the point.
AHHHH Tomorrow is the day!! ^___^
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