January 07, 2014

Countdown: Only 2 Weeks until Disney World

Countdown: 2 weeks until Disney World

Ahhhhhhhhhh! So close, yet so far away! I can't believe it . . . . tomorrow people start checking-in. I wasn't feeling the excitement before, but now I'm feeling it because I look forward to the check-in reports from the Jan 8th arrivals.

January 13th, is the next arrival date, so more reports will be posted in the group. I know there are many blogs and videos but much of that is extremely outdated. It's like . . . if your not currently in the program NOW . . . . your information is outdated because there are so many changes during the program.

Anyway, as for my arrival date . . . I got my first email 30 days out - prepare for your arrival, another email 20-23 days out - See Ya Real Soon, and I should get another email from Disney soon.

Today, I should have receive my DORM registration information. The DORMS email 10 days from you arrival date sometimes it's earlier than 10 days.

After my roommates and I complete DORMS, there will be nothing else to do but wait for check-in and prepare for my arrival. One more thing, I actually leave on the 15th, so my adventures will start a little early.


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