November 13, 2013

Disney College Program Paydays and Direct Deposit


How much money should I bring to the Disney College Program?
When do we get paid during the Disney College Program?
What day do we get paid and how often do we get paid?
How do we get paid during the Disney College Program?
How much spending money do I need to bring?
What about taxes? What about rent?
How much do we get paid?

Pay Rates

Currently pay rates are may be around 7.79 per hour for many, many roles. This can be different because of Magic Kingdom premium pay and other work premiums.

The minimum wage in Florida will be raised to $7.93. So between $7.93 - $10.00 per hour . . . it heavily depends on your role.

Attractions, Merchandise, Some Quick Service, Custodial are on the lower end of the DCP pay scale.

Lifeguards, BBB/Pirate League, Concierge, and Photopass are on the higher end of the DCP pay scale.

Pay Days

For college program participants, you will be paid on a weekly bases on a Thursday. Remember: EPCOT - Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday.

Start Up Money

The least amount of money I recommend you bring is $150.00-250.00. It can be less if you already have bedding supplies and a few household supplies. I recommend no lower than $125.00.

The most popular recommended amount would be between $400-500. But of course, the skies the limit for the max amount you would like to bring for your program.

Payments & Paychecks

I believe in the new hire documents (filled out 20 days prior to arrival), you will have the option of setting up choosing your preferred method of payment. In order to set up direct deposit, you will need a void check (bring to casting/check-in). I've read they will not accept direct deposit slips/papers. You will also be given the option to sign up for their VISA debit card, there's a video here that will explain the card.. So, sign up for bank prior to arrival.

Learn how to calculate your Disney paycheck for the program.


Since this is Florida, there are no states taxes taken out of your check. However, when you file your home state taxes, you may be required to pay the taxes that you didn't pay while in Florida when it's time to file your taxes the next year. This will require research prior to arrival about doing taxes for your state.


Rent is deducted after taxes are taken out and deducted from your pay check every week. Rent is ranges from 86 to 103  per person. Their are 2 beds in every rooms range from 1 to 4 bedrooms. Housing information here.

I highly recommend using this

This will help you calculate your weekly earnings. Also, how much money you may be able to save. You will be told your payrate in the acceptance letter. It will be in bold and your role will be in bold.

1 comment:

  1. information.A paycheck, also spelt pay cheque, is traditionally a paper document (a cheque) issued by an employer to pay an employee for services rendered.Read More
